DIY: Spa Pampering for The Busy Women

A smiling girl in a bathtubLife can be so hectic for us girls that making time to go to a spa gets almost impossible. However, this is no reason to deprive yourself of the wonderful and necessary experience. A little bit of spa pampering is an extremely effective way to relieve stress. Considering how detrimental stress is for your health, these few hours of pleasure become really necessary.

Today we’ll try to help all the busy girls who don’t have the time to go to a spa . With a little bit of effort, you can turn your own home into one and enjoy an hour of pampering that will rejuvenate you.

1. Set the place.
To relax completely you need to eliminate any distractions. A phone call in this situation can be as annoying as a dirty watermark in your bath. Clean your bathroom thoroughly, put out some fresh towels and your favorite robe. Turn off the electric lights and light some scented candles. If you want to, you can turn on some pleasant relaxing music. All in all, your goal is to create a setting that would be most relaxing for you personally. Indulge yourself in any little eccentricities you have to ensure that the setup is really perfect for you.

2. Prepare your body.
Now is your turn for cleansing. Remove old nail polish, take a shower to feel truly fresh and clean, and be sure to remove any unnecessary hairs that bother you. Brush your hair and pin it in a bun at the top of your head.

Cleansing won’t be complete without exfoliation, so use your favorite body scrub to remove any dead skin cells and open up your pores. PureLx Cleanser Micro-Dermabrasion Scrub is the ideal product for this.

3. Take a bath.
With your body clean and your mind relaxed you will be able to draw more pleasure from a hot bath. Add a few drops of essential oil to the water in order to enhance the experience further.

If you are hard pressed for time, don’t waste your time waiting for the tub to fill. Use it to shape your nails and eyebrows. You will be able to relax fully with all the pressing beauty issues out of the way by the time you submerge in the hot scented liquid.

4. Mask or no mask?
If you want to use a face mask of some sort, you might consider applying it before you submerge into the water. The vast majority of these products need to stay on your skin for about 20-30 minutes. Therefore, it will be perfect as you will wash the mask off when you leave the water.

5. Relax, relax, relax!
Don’t think of anything stressful while lying in the bath. This is the time to forget that the world behind the door exists. If you want to think of something, perfect vacations spots are the best possible option. Focus on positive emotions and dreams.

If you know some meditation techniques, now is the perfect time to practice them. In case you don’t, be sure to look up some simple meditation exercises during your break. Studying them will help you in many ways, even at work when you need to get your mind cleared before an important meeting.

6. Creams and massage.
Once the water starts to cool, you need to leave the tub so the relaxing effect is not spoiled by lukewarm water. Pat yourself dry and start applying your favorite body cream or oil. Massage the product carefully into your skin, paying special attention to the pulse points on your neck and wrists.

7. Final touches.
Depending on where you go from there and how much time you have left, you can style your hair or paint your nails. If it’s directly to a meeting or party from there, you definitely need to learn how to apply makeup at home. Spritz on a suitable fragrance before you leave your bathroom. This will ensure that you feel fresh, well-rested, and beautiful for the rest of the day. 

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