Creams are usually packed in jars, tubes, and tightly shut vials with dispensers. Have you ever wondered which option is the best? Each of these containers has its pros and cons, and today we’ll try to help you understand them.
In general, all types of containers for beauty products are equally efficient as long as they can hold the substance effectively preventing its contamination. However, there are some cases, when the product requires extra protection. You need to understand this in order to ensure that you don’t waste your money on a cream or serum that won’t be effective because it’s not packaged properly.
Why Packaging Matters
The level of stability of the chemicals used to make cosmetic products varies, and some of them cannot be stable and be efficient at the same time. This means that these ingredients lose their potency if exposed to the environment, usually because they fall apart when they are exposed to air. Bacteria from your hands also destabilize some of the chemicals. The latter issue is a serious matter and said bacteria contaminating the product can ruin it completely and even make it harmful for your skin. Therefore, you should never dip your fingers in the jar of any cream. Use a plastic spoon or something similar and clean it after every use. This way, you can be sure that that the product will remain safe and effective until its expiration date.
A jar is a form of packaging that cannot be used for products with unstable ingredients because it allows the air to interact with the contents of the container. As antioxidants are the least stable type of ingredients used in beauty products, it’s not surprising that anti-aging creams and serums based on antioxidants often come in airless containers supplied with a pump. This form of packaging allows to keep the product stable and effective.
Are Tubes and Jars Bad?
Despite the fact that neither of these container types offer 100% “defense” to unstable ingredients, they cannot be considered bad. If it were true, manufacturers wouldn’t be using them at all. The exact level of stability of the ingredients depends directly on the formula of the product. Even those that aren’t stable under normal circumstances can be stabilized by interacting with other ingredients.
However, you need to be a professional chemist to understand all the intricacies of these formulas. If you aren’t, the only things you can do are to put your trust in the manufacturer and observe the basic rules of using the product. They are:
- Keep
your hands clean.
Wash your hands before applying any products and NEVER dip your fingers directly in the substance. Even the best antibacterial soap won’t destroy 100% of bacteria, so you shouldn’t take the risk of contaminating the product. - Keep
the container tightly shut.
Airless jars are easy to handle, but both tubes and regular jars need to be handled with care. Don’t leave the container opened unnecessarily. You should only open it directly before application and close the lid tightly immediately after. - Keep
all containers out of direct sunlight and away from heat.
Heat and sunlight are the biggest enemies of cosmetic products. Keep your collection away from windows and radiators. It would be best to store creams in a bathroom cabinet or dresser.